Features of NRS-5500/7500 – Same points measurement with ease –

IQ Frame allows for easy measurement of samples in the same point and area based on registered information such as stage coordinates and observation images during Raman measurements.

Reload measurement

If a re-measurement is needed after the initial measurement and analysis, IQ Frame can adjust the measurement position in micron order using the registered parameters.

Sample rotation

The position can be adjusted easily by rotating the sample during polarization measurement.

Combining analysis using Raman spectroscopy with other spectroscopic techniques

JASCO can provide a microscopic spectroscopic system for acquiring information at a coordinated location (such as Raman microscope, IR microscope and UV/Vis microscopic spectrophotometer).

Each system can obtain the useful information, and in order to obtain the additional information using another analytical method, the demands that one sample wants to be evaluated using several analytical methods are increasing.

IQ Frame enables to measure the sample at same position between different microscopes.


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