Analysis of Allantoin

October 12, 2020


Allantoin has anti-inflammatory effect and cellular activator action and therefore is used widely for pharmaceutical products and cosmetics. Allantoin is a highly hydrophilic substance, and so by utilizing the column for the hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC), the commercial eye drops was measured as reported in this note.

LC-4500 HPLC system


Measurement conditions
Column: Finepak SIL NH2-5 (4.6 mmI.D. x 250 mmL, 5 µm)
Eluent: Acetonitrile/Water (80/20)
Eluent Flow Rate: 1.0 mL/min
Column Temperature: 40 °C
Wavelength: 210 nm
Injection Volume: 10 μL
Standard Sample: Allantoin 5 µg/mL in eluent

The structural formula of allantoin is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The structural formula of allantoin


Allantoin, HILIC, Eye Drops, UV Detection


The chromatograms of standard allantoin and eye drops are shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2 Chromatogram of standard allantoin and eye drops (a: Standard allantoin, b: Eye drops)

Preparation: Dilute  the eye-drops by mobile phase about 10 times, then  filtrate by 0.45 µm membrane filter

About the Author

Chromatography Group